Monday, February 11, 2013

Keebox W150NR V2.0R routers are not the DLink DIR-300vB

TL;DR: this Keebox is not the same as a DLink DIR-300vB.  It is not DD-WRT compatible as of Feb 2013.

Fry's was selling Keebox W150NR routers for very little ($10 or $15) in late 2012.  I got two.

My knowledgable friend Google told me these were rebranded DLink DIR-300vB routers.  The important things to know about these routers are
  1. The version matters, as version A is completely different hardware than version B.  The Keebox is a DIR-300vB.
  2. There are some pretty bad security vulnerabilities with some (all?) of this model of DLink routers that will not be fixed.  
  3. Some people managed to install DD-WRT on their Keebox routers by using the DIR-300vB instructions with minor modifications, but I cannot, since the routers I got behave differently than the others.  Sigh.

My Keebox router

My routers are labelled: HW: V2.0R FW:2.002 (note the 'R' in the version)

My Keebox behaves differently than the DIR-300vB and also differently from the other Keebox routers mentioned in this DD-WRT post.
  1. On normal power up, it has IP as others have mentioned.
  2. When booting in the "Emergency Room Web Interface", the router comes up with IP (not  To access the upload page, you must let the router assign an IP address to your computer via DHCP.  Then you can visit   
  3. However, none of the DD-WRT images would upload correctly.  I tried uploading
    from every variant of browser on both Win and Mac.
  4. The factory firmware does not have the security vulnerabilities of DLink-300vB , e.g. /command.php is not open.

It turns out this Keebox V2.0R is not the same as a DLink DIR-300vB.  I opened the router, by removing the two black pads on the bottom, and unscrewing the two screws underneath.  The SoC is a Ralink RT5350F (not a RT3050F) and  there is a chip missing relative to the reference photo.  After I figured this out, a better Google search corroborated my findings.

The Keebox summary: version 1 is good, but version 2 is not good.   Thus HW: V1.0R is a DLink DIR-300vB, but HW V2.0R is possibly a DIR-600v5 which does not support DD-WRT as of 2/2013.